Portable Fitness Resistance Bands

Color: Purple
Sale price€17,95 Regular price€20,95
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Portable Fitness Training Equipment: Portable fitness training equipment refers to tools and gear for exercises that can be easily carried and used in various locations, such as at home, in the gym, or while traveling. These items are designed to support people in maintaining their fitness routine regardless of the surrounding environment, offering convenience and versatility.

Rubber Resistance Bands: Rubber resistance bands are flexible bands made of rubber materials, commonly used in strength training exercises to add resistance to various movements. They come in different thicknesses and resistance levels, allowing users to gradually increase the intensity of their workouts as they progress in strength and fitness.

Yoga Gym Elastic Rubber: Yoga gym elastic rubber, also known as elastic or resistance bands for yoga, are elastic bands commonly used in yoga practice to deepen stretches, improve flexibility, and increase muscle strength. These bands offer a versatile tool for both beginners and advanced yogis to challenge themselves and expand their practice.

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